Does My Commercial Building Have Asbestos?
Category: News , News and Updates • June 12, 2022

When you own a commercial property, you have more to be concerned about than just when you’ll receive money from tenants or when you’ll pay your employees.

Rather, you need to remain committed to everyone’s health and safety.

Particularly if you’re undergoing a renovation, repairing damage, or even preparing to put the building itself on the market, you need to be aware of the complications asbestos may create.

Where Would Asbestos Be?

To start, is there asbestos in your commercial building? Well, unless it was built recently, chances are the answer is “yes.” (And even if it was built recently, the answer may remain the same.)

This is because “asbestos was used in almost every public and commercial building constructed before the 1980s in the United States,” according to the Asbestos Network. “As a fireproofing material, it was applied to steel beams and columns during the construction of multistory buildings.”

Additionally, asbestos was commonly used in the following building and construction materials:

  • Vinyl floor tiles
  • Ceiling tiles
  • Wall insulation
  • Attic insulation
  • Paint and patching compounds
  • And more

When Should I Be Concerned?

Thankfully, asbestos only becomes a health hazard when an asbestos-containing material (ACM) becomes exposed. In these circumstances, the asbestos becomes friable (likely to crumble), meaning its fibers may end up airborne.

Thus, whenever there is extensive property damage, you need to undergo an asbestos assessment.

Otherwise, “the Asbestos NESHAP requires a thorough inspection for the presence of asbestos prior to the start of all renovations and/or demolitions,” as stated by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FLDEP) explains.

If you improperly disturb ACM on your commercial property and fail to protect your workers, you may then face the consequences of lawsuits, fines, and more.

How Do I Know If Asbestos Is There?

The best way to know for sure if you may be dealing with a property that contains asbestos is to undergo a reliable asbestos investigation with a local professional.

“The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) dictates that any asbestos professionals working with asbestos-containing building materials in a school, public or commercial building be accredited under a training program at least as stringent as the EPA Model Accreditation Plan (MAP).”

And if you don’t know which accredited, certified, and licensed professionals to work with, Luce Air Quality has you covered!

Our locally-owned and operated team of technicians is ready to conduct an expert asbestos survey in your commercial property according to federal, state, and local standards. Additionally, we are licensed in the states of…

  • Florida
  • Alabama
  • Mississippi

Ready to learn more or schedule your asbestos investigation? Then it’s time to contact our team today by calling 904-803-1014! We look forward to helping you and your employees breathe a healthy sigh of relief.

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