Sick of Being Sick? It’s Time for an Air Assessment.
Category: News , News and Updates • October 24, 2022

You deserve a safe and healthy environment to live and work in. Unfortunately, sick building syndrome can easily interfere with the overall indoor air quality of these spaces, thereby impacting your health.

This is known as sick building syndrome.

But what exactly is sick building syndrome? And what do you need to know about it?

How to Tell It’s Time for an Assessment

Sick building syndrome  reportedly occurs when the inhabitants of a building exhibit physical symptoms of illness that “seem to be related to the time spent indoors without necessarily resulting in any specific illnesses.”

If you suspect you may be experiencing sick-building syndrome, we recommend you track when your symptoms start and stop each day.

“The hallmark of these symptoms is their tight temporal association with building occupancy and their rapid resolution, within minutes to hours, when affected office workers leave implicated buildings,” as explained by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Overall, be mindful of whether or not you notice the following symptoms:

  • Headaches
  • Dry cough
  • Irritated eyes
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • And more

Considering the Causes of Concern

Sick building syndrome is the result of poor indoor air quality, albeit there is no singular cause. This building condition is often the product of multiple ongoing factors.

Specific factors as listed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), include:

  • Inadequate ventilation
  • Chemical contaminants from indoor sources
  • Chemical contaminants from outdoor sources
  • Biological contaminants

Sick building syndrome is also more common today than it was in the past.

According to the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), this is because “energy conservation measures instituted during the early 1970s have minimized the infiltration of outside air and contributed to the buildup of indoor air contaminants.”

Your Environment, Your Health, Your Local Professionals

Have you noticed any signs that your commercial or residential property may currently have sick building syndrome? Then it’s time to call Luce Air Quality for a professional assessment.

Our team of licensed and certified environmental experts will perform a Healthy Building Checkup in order to:

  • Identify the contributing factors to your poor air quality
  • Determine a reliable action plan for your unique circumstances
  • Provide you with a detailed report

If you’re ready to schedule your assessment or if you have further questions, reach out to Luce Air Quality today by calling 904-803-1014 or emailing!

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