3 Factors Contributing to Winter Mold Growth
Category: News , News and Updates • December 6, 2022

Winter brings relief. Relief from the constant Florida heat, relief from constant work during holiday breaks, and relief afforded by the end of another year.

But… does it provide relief from mold growth?

Well, not quite. In fact, mold only needs the three following things to keep growing throughout the Florida winter:

#1 — Moisture

So long as adequate moisture is present, it’s likely that mold will still be able to grow during the winter — especially the farther south you go in Florida.

“During the winter, North Florida and the Panhandle is much less humid than South Florida due to colder winter temperatures,” according to the Florida Climate Center. “Remember, colder air holds much less water vapor than warm air, so the colder parts of Florida will be less humid than warmer areas further south.”

For this reason, Floridians who live in areas that remain humid year-round may want to invest in a dehumidifier, which can reduce the level of indoor moisture.

Otherwise, we recommend that homeowners search for sources of moisture in their house, including:

  • Leaking pipes
  • Cracked window frames
  • Poorly ventilated bathrooms
  • And more

#2 — Environment

With moisture in the mix, all mold needs to thrive is the right environment in which to grow.

“Mildew (mold in its early stage) and molds grow on wood products, ceiling tiles, cardboard, wallpaper, carpets, drywall, fabric, plants, foods, insulation, decaying leaves and other organic materials,” the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) explains.

These surfaces are particularly susceptible to mold growth, so be sure to check the level of humidity around them. Also check them on a regular basis for visible mold growth.

Finally, please note that surfaces nearest windows and doors may also be highly susceptible, as mold spores oftentimes blow in from outdoors.

#3 — Temperature

Last but not least, what mold needs to grow indoors is a “temperature range above 40°F and below 100°F,” the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) explains. And it goes without saying that the State of Florida usually sits somewhere between the two temperatures throughout winter.

That being said, while it may occasionally dip lower, the fact of the matter is that the cold does not kill mold. The mold spores will simply hibernate until the warmth returns.

But if you’re not sure whether or not mold may already be present, the Luce Air Quality team is ready and equipped to provide you with reliable results and trusted answers. We conduct expert mold investigations using state-of-the-art technology to determine the location and severity of mold, should it already exist.

So are you ready to learn more about your local environmental experts? Then contact us today by calling 904-803-1014! We look forward to helping you breathe a healthy sigh of relief.

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