Purchasing a New Property? Don’t Forget About Asbestos.
Category: News , News and Updates • November 7, 2022

When you’re scouring the market for a new property, it’s important to remain as informed as possible every step of the way. And that means you need to be in the know about asbestos, too.

But how will you know if a prior asbestos survey has been conducted within your property of choice?

Ideally, if the property is in Florida, they should tell you if they have had to deal with asbestos previously. Here’s what you need to know:

Understanding Federal and State Laws

When you are in the process of buying a new property, there are several legal levels that come into play — the first of which is federal. And if the current owner has conducted asbestos surveys in the past, federal law says they are not required to tell you as a part of the transaction process.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), this goes for both asbestos and vermiculite.

The State of Florida, however, has different requirements.

“In Florida, state law requires real estate owners and sellers to make certain disclosures about the history and condition of their property to a prospective buyer,” Florida State Records explains. “Essentially, a seller must know and disclose to the buyer, facts and information that may impact the property’s value.”

Asbestos is included in the aforementioned, as it may impact the property value. If they fail to disclose their asbestos knowledge while selling to you, they may face legal consequences.

When Action is a Wise Choice

If an asbestos survey has not been completed in the past, that does not mean that the property is free of asbestos.

Thus, it is important to know when you are required to schedule one.

For example, “the NESHAP regulation requires that a thorough inspection for asbestos be conducted before demolition or renovation,” the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FLDEP) explains. “An inspection for asbestos should provide an inspection report or supporting information that identifies all ACMs in the facility or part of the facility affected by the renovation or demolition.”

Scheduling an asbestos survey following property damage is also wise.

That being said, you do not need a specific reason to seek out such an assessment. If you simply want to remain informed about the details of your property, that is also valid, as you never know when structural damage may occur and expose you to asbestos fibers.

Seeking a Survey with Certified Experts

Regardless of where you are in the process of buying or asking about asbestos, we can confirm one thing: You always want to call a certified professional to conduct your asbestos survey for you.

Luce Air Quality, for example, is a locally-trusted team of indoor environmental experts that is equipped with the knowledge, skills, and resources to provide you with reliable results. Capable of performing asbestos surveys, air monitoring jobs, and more, we’ll be there to locate, measure, and identify any asbestos-containing materials on or within your property.

Ready to breathe a healthy sigh of relief? Contact us today at 904-803-1014 to learn more!

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