
Is Mold Considered an Allergen?

Category: Uncategorized • December 13, 2023

Mold often goes unnoticed until it starts to creep along walls and surfaces. Beyond its unsightly presence, many people are left wondering about its role as an allergen and its impact on health and indoor air quality!  Unraveling the truth about mold and allergies is more than an academic pursuit — it’s essential for understanding how our environments can influence...


Why Home Inspectors Should Not Test For Mold

Category: News and Updates • December 7, 2023

When it comes to ensuring the safety and well-being of our homes, few concerns weigh as heavily on our minds as indoor air quality. Mold, in particular, is a topic that often raises red flags for homeowners. Its potential health hazards and property damage make mold inspections a common practice during home inspections!  However, home inspectors should not test for...


Getting a Mold Assessment Before Closing on a New Home

Category: News and Updates,Uncategorized • December 6, 2023

Purchasing a new home is a significant investment, and ensuring that every aspect of the property is in top condition is paramount. One critical aspect that should never be overlooked is the possible presence of mold!  Mold can not only cause extensive damage to the structure of the home but also pose serious health risks to its occupants. We understand...


Can Mold Grow in Cold, Dry Climates?

Category: Uncategorized • November 9, 2023

Mold is notorious for thriving in warm, humid conditions, but is it exclusive to them? It’s essential to understand mold’s tenacity and its potential to pop up in unexpected conditions, as its impact on air quality is pervasive. This query not only challenges established perceptions but also navigates through the crucial aspects of understanding and managing air quality effectively! Join...


Asbestos 101: What It Is & Its Prevalence Today

Category: News and Updates • October 30, 2023

For decades, asbestos was hailed as a “miracle mineral” due to its heat resistance, strength, and insulating properties. Used extensively in construction, manufacturing, and a range of other industries, its fibers seemed almost too good to be true! Fast forward to the present, we now know that this once-celebrated material comes with a dark side: significant health risks. Here, we’ll...

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