
When You Can’t Keep Mold On A Leash: How Exposure Impacts Your Pets

Category: News and Updates • August 25, 2021

No two families look alike, as every cherished individual contributes something different to the overall joy of a household. And that’s why we love our pets! Whether they’re old or young, cuddly or rambunctious, pets are a source of consistent companionship and love, no matter what stage of life we are in. Thus, keeping them safe and healthy remains a...


Maybe It’s Your Allergies, Maybe It’s… Mold & Mildew?

Category: News • August 7, 2021

You’re coughing and sneezing, but cough drops, allergy medicines, and nasal sprays have all let you down for what feels like the first time that you can remember. Meanwhile, a vague sense of humidity sits thick in your living spaces, the likes of which you mistakenly ignore as you continue to trudge through the undesirable heat of the Floridian summer....


Your Safety, Our Mission: Maintaining COVID Precautions in 2021

Category: News and Updates • July 30, 2021

With a resurgence in local coronavirus cases as a result of the novel COVID-19 delta variant, Luce Air Quality’s team will be maintaining enhanced safety protocols for the wellbeing of both our staff and customers. As such, we would like to assure all customers that every member of our team is fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Additionally, we remain committed to...


Ready or Not… What to Do When You Smell Mold But Can’t See It

Category: News • July 26, 2021

Do you smell that? Something reeks — and no, it’s not the fish you cooked last night for dinner or the trash you forgot to take out. It’s coming from the bathroom?… The sink?… Maybe the cabinets? Whatever the origin, you’d recognize that pungent odor anywhere — it’s mold! So now the frustrating game of hide-and-seek begins as you try...


Keeping Risks Under Wraps: The Importance of Asbestos Testing in the Workplace

Category: News • July 5, 2021

With asbestos regulations put in place, it may be easy to overlook its role as a well-known health hazard used in construction materials throughout the 20th century. However, the reality is that asbestos has not been entirely banned in the United States, leaving the potential for exposure both in the home and in the workplace that could lead to lung...

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